
I am a 30-year-old woman, the survivor of a childhood that I have come to believe was dominated by a narcissistic mother, and a father who turned to me inappropriately in his despair at her coldness and unavailability. Before finding the majority of the answers I now have, I spent many months and years in a painful limbo, wondering why my parents treated me as they did. I have also been privileged to meet and come into contact with many people who suffered in similar, and indeed far worse, ways at the hands of their parents, other family members, partners, and spouses.

My upbringing led me into a 10-year relationship with an extremely controlling and often violent man whom, I now recognise, was also a narcissist. It began when I was a 20-year-old student, and ended just this past autumn, with my eventual escape from him. I am now gathering my wits and resources to divorce him.

I hope that this blog will be a light in dark places for others, in the same way as the writings of others were for me when I first began to suspect narcissism in my parents and husband. If it helps one person avoid even a minute’s worth of pain, then I will consider it to have been worthwhile.

Bless you all, and thank you for reading.

One Response to “About Me”

  1. Vicki said

    I noticed your last post was in 2013? Your childhood upbringing was exactly like mine. I am now escaping a marriage from an abusive Controlling Narcissist Man. I haven’t read anything that’s so parallel to my story as yours.
    I hope to read more of your blogs as its so helpful to me at this time.
    Thank you

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